Aus dem Kräutergarten

Das ist die Blüte eines Gewürzes, das wohl jeder kennt: Kümmel, genauer Schwarzkümmel. Die Pflanze wirkt sehr zart und filigran. Daher habe ich sie auch ganz bewußt mit einer sehr offenen Blende fotografiert, um dem Ganzen mit der Unschärfe noch eine gewisse Leichtigkeit mitzugeben.

This is the flower of a spice that everyone knows: caraway, or more precisely black cumin. The plant looks very delicate and filigree. That’s why I deliberately photographed it with a very open aperture to give it a certain lightness with the blur.

Sic transit gloria mundis

In the nineteenth and early twentieth century Baile Herculane was one of the fanciest spa resorts in Europe. Kings and emperors were guests here. It is still visited but the decay of the historic part of town in contrast to the contemporary spa shows how the taste of the modern world differs from what has been before.

After the 4th of July Fire

Unfortunately, my Rogge Mountain Ranch got substantially burned, roughly 20 acres. Luckily, the airplanes dropped many loads of fire retardant to keep the fire away from house and home. Here are some iPhone impressions I collected a few days after the fire and some more just a few days ago.

Wildfire, the sculptor…

Wildfire causing pure devastation

Nearly untouched….

And… a new morning is rising…