A Dam No More

Four dams on the Klamath River have been removed. The landscape has changed dramatically and a large effort is being make to replant and restore the area. Meantime, salmon have actually been seen returning to the area thought the water is still very muddy.

Vier Dämme am Klamath River wurden entfernt. Die Landschaft hat sich dramatisch verändert und es werden große Anstrengungen unternommen, um das Gebiet wieder aufzuforsten und wiederherzustellen. Inzwischen wurden tatsächlich Lachse beobachtet, die in das Gebiet zurückgekehrt sind, obwohl das Wasser immer noch sehr schlammig ist.

Human Being and Nature

California Fall colors are very impressive, especially on the eastern side of the Sierra Nevada mountains. The young man is photographing the scene and I am photographing him and the scene. This image made me think. We all are part of this world and we need preserve it that future generation can not only make a living but also enjoy the beauty of the seasons.


Die beiden Bilder zeigen Details des Schulenburg-Epitaphs im Magdeburger Dom. Epitaphe sind keine Grabmäler, sondern Gedenktafeln für Verstorbene an Kirchenwänden. Wobei dieses hier schon sehr prächtig, geradezu üppig ausgefallen ist. Es zeigt den Domherren Levin von der Schulenburg und seine Frau Fredeke von Alvensleben. Angefertigt wurde es ab 1587 vom Bildhauer Hans Klintzsch.

The two pictures show details of the Schulenburg epitaph in Magdeburg Cathedral. Epitaphs are not tombs, but memorial plaques for the deceased on church walls. This one, however, is very magnificent, almost opulent. It shows the canon Levin von der Schulenburg and his wife Fredeke von Alvensleben. It was made from 1587 by the sculptor Hans Klintzsch.


In a city built on water public transport has to rely on boats. In Venice Vaporettos are the public boats taking the role of busses. Travelling on them is a fun way of enjoying the days, in particular if the weather is nice and you are able to catch one of the few seats outside. Here are some pictures of the life around the vaporettos

The whole story can be found here


Christian Brothers – Brandy – Rest in Peace … Sip by Sip … Drop by Drop

While driving near Borrego Springs, I saw this Brandy Bottle neatly planted into the sand as its final resting place. Citing Genesis 3:19: “For you were made from dust, and to dust you will return” – Really, a true statement for a glass bottle and anything else.