Street Lamp 01

The exercise for the week is “Street Lamps.” You will find great and unique outside lamps in downtown areas and older neighborhoods. Go and have fun with this exercise!


I discovered a lot of great lamps in Carmel, CA, like this one. It was outside a store for inside decorations. I loved the reflection in the window.

Enjoy and find some great images!

Mud 03


The water inside the pie pan cooked out rather quickly. I turned the stove off and let it cool down a little bit. It looked like a moon landscape was forming. I changed the image into a black and white photo to bring out the structure better.

Enjoy and keep on photographing!

Mud 02


If you have ever visited Yellowstone National Park you will never forget the impressions of the “mud-pots.” I tried to create something similar by simply putting soil from my yard and water into a pie pan and heat it up. When it started to cook I used my 180mm macro lens and a fill in flash to shoot several images.

Enjoy and keep on creating interesting images!

Mud 01

The exercise for the Chowchilla Photo Club is “mud” for this month. I thought I could join this effort and come up with a few interesting images.


When I saw the mud I was looking for a stick and I put it into the ground. I thought I would call this image “stick in the mud!”

Enjoy and come up with some great ideas!

Water 28


I just got back from Yosemite NP. The waterfalls in Yosemite are either at peak or near peak. This image is from one of the minor falls. I cranked up the ISO to 800, opened the lens to f4 and got an exposure time of 1/3200. Looking at the image give the viewer an idea how fast the water is coming down and how much power and speed there is involved.

Enjoy and keep on photographing!