Blue Fiesta Flower

This picture is from two years ago after a very wet winter. I found this pretty little bush growing along a creek in the southern part of the county. It caught my eye because of the color and the fact that it was a bit unexpected. One just doesn’t run across a lot of colorful wild flowers in those parts of the county unless there has been a lot o rain.. Wildflower blooming depends on so many variables and rainfall is one, and this year has been extremely dry. So wildflowers have been a bit of a challenge this year! Enjoy your weekend and stay healthy.

Visiting Goedereede in Holland

In 2017, I visited my good old friend Helmut in Holland. Aside from good food, many beers, and philosophizing about the life, the universe, and anything else through the night in his backyard, we also visited many interesting little towns. Here, a few photos made in Goedereede, a beautiful little town.

Street with history
Next to the River
An odd Church, all windows closed up

Bodie- Receipt Book

I went to one of my favorite places the other day. Bodie State Park holds a lot of gems for me. Because of it’s age many times I change the image to Sepia or Black and White. This time I really appreciate the hues that go along with this aged receipt book. Sometimes I (we) forget that color didn’t just suddenly become a reality when color film came into being, that it was there all along and people in eras past saw the same colors we do today.

Ich war neulich an einem meiner Lieblingsorte. Der Bodie State Park birgt viele Juwelen für mich. Aufgrund seines Alters ändere ich das Bild oft in Sepia oder Schwarzweiß. Dieses Mal schätze ich die Farbtöne, die mit diesem alten Quittungsbuch einhergehen, sehr. Manchmal vergesse ich (wir), dass Farbe nicht plötzlich Realität wurde, als der Farbfilm entstand, dass er die ganze Zeit über dort war, wo Menschen in früheren Epochen die gleichen Farben sahen, die wir heute haben.

High Sierra Nevada in May

Spring in the High Sierra Nevada means melting snow and the beginning of plant growth. I photographed this small creek at about 9000 feet. Normally it is a very small creek but currently the water is just gushing down. The bushes in the front are just beginning to grow new leaves and the mountains in the background are still partially snow covered.

Schöner Wohnen

Eine Nachbarin hat den kleinen Vorgarten vor unserem Haus unter anderem mit Tulpenzwiebeln bestückt um ihn ein wenig aufzupeppen. Und wie man sieht, haben sich die Tulpen durchaus prächtig entwickelt. Ich bin mal gespannt, was sich aus den anderen von ihr gesäten Blumensamen noch entwickelt. Mit etwas Glück haben wir dann bis in den Herbst einen bunt blühenden Garten und ich sicher auch das ein oder andere Fotomotiv.
A neighbor has planted the small front garden in front of our house with tulip bulbs, among other things, to spice it up a bit. And as you can see, the tulips have developed quite splendidly. I am curious to see what will develop from the other flower seeds she sowed. With a little luck, we will have a colorful flowering garden until autumn and I’m sure the one or other photo motif.