Feste feiern

Schützenfeste haben in Deutschland eine lange Tradition. Da wird nicht nur der Schützenkönig(in) gekürt, sondern da gibt es auch Umzüge, Tanzveranstaltungen und natürlich den Rummelplatz mit den Fahrgeschäften, den Buden mit Getränken und allen möglichen Schlemmereien. Anke und ich sind vor kurzem über das Schützenfest in unserer Nachbarstadt Gifhorn geschlendert. Immer wieder eine schöne Gelegenheit ein paar Eindrücke mit der Kamera festzuhalten.

Schützenfeste have a long tradition in Germany. Not only is the king of marksmen crowned, but there are also parades, dances and, of course, the fairground with the rides, the stalls with drinks and all kinds of delicacies. Anke and I recently strolled through the Schützenfest in our neighboring town of Gifhorn. Always a nice opportunity to capture a few impressions with the camera.


In den letzten Tagen bin ich mit der Kamera durch die Innenstadt Wolfsburgs gelaufen. Hier ein paar Impressionen. Übrigens, die Schirme sind die neue Kunstaktion eines Optikers, der für seine einfallsreichen Marketing-Ideen bekannt ist.

In the last days I walked with the camera through the city center of Wolfsburg. Here are a few impressions. By the way, the umbrellas are the new art action of an optician, who is known for his imaginative marketing ideas.


Mining of black coal in Germany and the neighbouring countries involved underground mines with shafts as deep as kilometer. The enormous industrial plants for treatment of the coal and the big shunting yards for the coal trains were topped by the winding towers to bring up and down coal and materials. One of the biggest black coal mining areas was close to Aachen. Today all the mines are closed . The area still struggles with restructuring and finding new jobs formerly provided by the mines. In the town of Alsdorf, parts of the area of the big Zeche Anna has been transformed into a shopping area. It looks like an ironic attempt to show the now unemployed what they would be able to buy if they still had a job.

Visiting Yosemite Park – Moonbow

Last Tuesday, we were blessed with the “Strawberry Moon”, (aka June’s Supermoon) that is especially bright. Friedhelm, Tom, and myself spent a great part of the night at the park, enjoying moonlit vistas.

Yet, it took until past midnight to see the moonbow. First, we waited at the lower Yosemite Fall, just to make time go by, here a photo where we can see the moonlight slowly reaching down to the water fall.

Finally, the time was right….

Moonbow Lower Yosemite Fall

After we got a couple of good photos, off we went to another location in the park, next to the church, from which we got a great view of the upper Yosemite Fall.

Moonbow Upper Yosemite Fall

Before leaving, I got to take a photo of the church in our back, just to prove that it was indeed well after midnight.