Photos are meant to be shared
This is an image from a recent trip to Morro Bay at the Central California coast. The birds just loved sitting on this car. Enjoy!
Wetter in Deutschland. Irgendetwas zwischen schönstem Frühsommerwetter (unten) und Kaltfronten mit Starkregen (oben).
Weather in Germany. Something between beautiful early summer weather (below) and cold fronts with heavy rain (above).
Zwischen dem Phaeno und dem Bahnhof Wolfsburg steht der “Verzogene Stuhl”. Erst im Spiegelbild der Spiegelsäule erscheint er für das menschliche Auge “normal”.
The “warped chair” stands between the Phaeno and Wolfsburg station. Only in the reflection of the mirror column does it appear “normal” to the human eye.
Spicebush Swallowtail butterfly
I am starting a new, long interrail trip. The first stop was Berlin. Here is some street photography
He probably ate too much of their food…..
“Interesting hair cut, this guy”
The park of Paffendorf Castle is a gem nearby, especially in spring when all natural colors are vibrating. You feel in a different world.
The spring season comes with breezy days… perfect for flying kites in the sky!