A sculpture of a praying priest inside the church of Brauweiler Abbey. Picture taken spontaneously with my old iPhone 8 as this was simply the best camera I had at hand. And in my view it captured the moody atmosphere, which had intrigued me, astonishingly well.
Month: September 2024
Brave new world
At the end of World War II, many towns in northern Poland lay in ruins. New housing was hastily built in the former medieval town centres to accommodate the many refugees from the East who settled there. Sometimes a single historic building survives amid the faceless new settlements.
Full Moon in Pacific Grove
On a trip to the Pacific Coast I had a nice evening walk along the Coast Line of Pacific Grove towards Monterey. A bright Full Moon was shining in between the trees.
Posing for a Picture
Street Photography can be challenging and exciting at the same time. When I photograph a tourist place like Sedona, AZ, I look for ordinary people in everyday situations like this couple get their picture taken. Emjoy!
Day of the Dead Celebration
Night photography – Hornitos, CA
Die grüne Zitadelle
Die “Grüne Zitadelle” in Magdeburg ist ein, vom österreichischen Künstler Friedensreich Hundertwasser entworfener Gebäudekomplex, der neben Wohnungen auch ein Hotel, kleine Geschäfte, ein Café und ein Theater beherbergt. Alles um zwei Innenhöfe herum gruppiert, die man von außen durch tunnelartige Gänge erreicht. Man taucht ein in eine organisch, heimelig wirkende Fantasiewelt mit einer ganz besonderen Atmosphäre.
The “Green Citadel” in Magdeburg is a building complex designed by Austrian artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser, which houses apartments, a hotel, small stores, a café and a theater. Everything is grouped around two inner courtyards, which can be reached from the outside through tunnel-like corridors. You are immersed in an organic, homely fantasy world with a very special atmosphere.
Pacific Painters
Pacific Grove, CA
Monterey Taxi
A street scene from a recent trip to Cannery Row in Monterey, CA
Gotik pur
Der Dom “St. Mauritius und Katharinen” in Magdeburg / Sachsen-Anhalt ist die am frühesten fertiggestellte gotische Kathedrale auf deutschem Boden. An den Fassaden und im Dom findet man viel Interessantes. Vieles wurde nach erheblichen Beschädigungen ab 1945 restauriert, anderes ist erhalten geblieben. So stammt das Chorgestühl aus der Mitte des 14. Jahrhunderts.
The “St. Mauritius and Katharinen” Cathedral in Magdeburg / Saxony-Anhalt is the earliest completed Gothic cathedral on German soil. There are many interesting things to see on the facades and inside the cathedral. Much was restored after considerable damage from 1945 onwards, while others have been preserved. The choir stalls, for example, date back to the middle of the 14th century.
Merced Wildlife Refuge
A few days ago, I drove to the Wildlife Refuge for the first time this season. The first birds are already returning to the Refuge for their winter homes. While driving around I found this Red-tailed Hawk high up in the trees.