Last Sunday David and I hiked in Calaveras State Park in the foothills of Central California. Our goal was to photograph the largest Sequoia tree in the Park, the Agassiz Tree. David is standing on the left hand side of the Tree to give the viewer an idea how large this ree is. Enjoy!
Month: October 2024
Arizona Fall Color
Payson, AZ
Fall Splendor
Bishop Creek canyon, CA
Eastern Sierra
A recent trip to the Eastern Sierra provided this view of the Sierra Nevada mountains from Round Valley near Bishop, CA.
Kinderspaß im Mühlenmuseum. Für kleines Geld gab es Kürbisse zu kaufen, die die Kinder an Ort und Stelle aushöhlen und ihnen Gesichter schnitzen konnten. So ein selbst gefertigter Halloween-Kürbis ist für die kleinen Künstler halt schon etwas besonderes.
Fun for children at the mill museum. Pumpkins were available to buy for little money, which the children could hollow out on the spot and carve into faces. A self-made Halloween pumpkin is something very special for the little artists.
Leer / Ostfriesland
Leer / East Friesland
Three generations of art
Look carefully …..
Palma de Mallorca, 2023
Night Sky in the Sierra
On our night shoot in the Sierra Nevada a few weeks ago, I was able to capture the Milky Way
California Coast
People at the Campground 01
This is an ordinary scene at a campground. A young lady walks with her dog when suddenly she feels an itch and she starts scratching her leg. This scene would have been long forgotten if I would have not photographed that moment. This is street photography for me. Enjoy!