What is He Thinking?

I wondered what this man was thinking? Maybe he was thinking about the past or the future?
Since this is my last post on this blog I want to thank all the photographers who shared their incredible images for so many years. It was a marvelous experience working with all of you.
For the future I plan to organize my images and create photo books. Will see what I will learn and where the journey is going. I wish you all a Happy 2025!

Above the Fog …

The San Joaquin Valley is covered in thick fog at the time.

I did an early morning drive to the Foothills of the Sierra.

Suddenly I broke through this thick layer of soft white fog and was gifted with these great views.

The sun just breaking through the trees and a view down into the Valley covered with a layer of Whiteness.


Heute habe ich mir zwei Bilder für unseren Blog ausgesucht, die ich in der sogenannten “Hochkontrast”-Technik aufgenommen/bearbeitet habe. Zu sehen ist der Landtag von Sachsen-Anhalt und der Dom in Magdeburg.

Today I have chosen two pictures for our blog that I took/edited using the so-called “high contrast” technique. You can see the state parliament of Saxony-Anhalt and the cathedral in Magdeburg.