More from Bombay Beach

How did the Salton Sea Riviera “Bombay Beach” got its name? Along the east side of the Salton Sea, a major railroad line exists, even today. Staying on a campground for a day, you can hear the two miles long freight trains pushing by, day and night. Rumour has it, that the rail company thought it to be cool to use exotic names for railroad stops, and so you got Bombay Beach, and a little north Mecca Beach.

Come on in ….


The Bombay Beach Estate has building after building with graffiti, visitors, and artists.

Art at the Bombay Beach, Salton Sea

In the 1950s, Bombay Beach was called the “Salton Riviera”, with more visitors than Yosemite, some say. Since then, due to drastic environmental changes, the lake resort turned into a ghost resort. But, hold, for years more and more artists work and hang out in Bombay Beach, having an Art Biennale, last in March of 2023. Definitively, an interesting refreshing place to hang around for a bit.

Here, are some “leftovers” from the last year’s Art Festival.

No Need to Think – We take care of your thinking, sinking, drinking…

At Bombay Beach, Salton Sea, I saw this Art Exhibition about “What’s on TV today” on maybe 50 or so displays (only a fraction shown here), I guess with the hint, that you get what you want to watch or what you should watch or bla bla bla…

Comparing American PBS and the German equipment TV Broadcasting Stations ARD and ZDF, the reporting on the killing in Gaza could not be more contrasting: “Not much to report vs a human tragedy unfolding”. I must say, I feel disgusted by the German Whitewashing TV News Reporting. How could those Who are controlling the media in Germany so easily look away? Or are they just following in their grandparents footsteps who looked the other way when Jews got picked up during the Hitler years in their neighborhoods and sent to concentration camps to be killed?

I thought, human dignity and human rights to a happy life are universal as expressed by UN declaration…

Ho – Ho – Ho …

Have you been good throughout the year and shopping enough…? Then, a merry wonderful glowing end-year’s time! Enjoy all your goods and family and friends. Merry Xmas!

And remember, Christmas sales will start next year three months earlier, already in July and you are expected to set up your Christmas Tree upside down so that plenty of Shopping Happiness fills your heart and empties your sinners pockets…