Mt Shasta

I was born and raised in a small town in far Northern California. I never really appreciated the area until I moved away. This was taken from an area just south of Mc Cloud where I lived. 

Mt Shasta is a ‘mystical’ mountain.  Some of the lore I’m sure comes from the lenticular clouds that form around it. Alien space craft coming in for a landing.

Ich bin in einer kleinen Stadt in Nordkalifornien geboren und aufgewachsen. Ich habe die Gegend nie wirklich geschätzt, bis ich weggezogen bin. Dies wurde aus einem Gebiet südlich von Mc Cloud, wo ich lebte, genommen.

Mt Shasta ist ein "mystischer" Berg. Ein Teil der Überlieferung stammt sicher aus den linsenförmigen Wolken, die sich darum bilden. Ausländisches Raumfahrzeug, das für eine Landung hereinkommt.

Looking Up

Friedhelm and I went to the Big Trees last week. That is we went to Sequoia National Park which is near Yosemite.

The weather was mixed most of the day but for a brief period these wonderful clouds floated by.

Not long after I took this it began to snow, since we had other commitments it was a good time to head down the hill.


Great Egret

I went to the San Luis National Wildlife Refuge the other day to try out my new ‘walk around’ camera, a Sony a6000.  I was very disappointed at the number of birds and wildlife I saw. It is a large refuge and I literally saw only about a dozen geese and comparatively few other fowl.  This great egret was one of three and very patient. I actually wanted to get a photo of him taking off but he just stood there and stared at me.
