Mule Ears-Again

The post for this week is wild or blooming flowers. I posted a field of Mule Ears a few weeks ago, and this is a closeup of a single plant. Most are now done blooming for the year and spreading their seeds for next year. They really are a pretty little plant . I hope you have an enjoyable weekend and can stay out of the heat. Make sure to drink lots of fluids.

California Poppy in Black and White

The golden color of the California Poppy is a perfect hue for the ‘Golden States’ official flower. It is very prolific in the Sierra foothills and often presents a sea of gold. I chose to change this one to black and white to highlight the structure.

Die goldene Farbe des California Poppy ist ein perfekter Farbton für die offizielle Blume der ‘Golden States’. Es ist sehr fruchtbar in den Ausläufern der Sierra und präsentiert oft ein Meer aus Gold. Ich entschied mich, dieses in Schwarzweiß zu ändern, um die Struktur hervorzuheben.

Cacti and Yuccas of Utah

Recently, I visited my favorite National Parks in Utah. Because of the arid climate, the vegetation is often quite different from that in the Sierra Nevada, California. Here, a small collection of flowering plants.

Plains Prickly-Pear (Opuntia Polyacantha)
Plains Prickly-Pear
Also Plain Prickly-Pear, but magenta in color
Yuccas, here Yucca Augustissima
The flowers of Yucca Augustissima
Common Beehive Cactus


Zum Glück lässt man mittlerweile der Natur an Äckerrändern und Brachflächen ihren Lauf. Alle möglichen Wildblumen siedeln sich in kürzester Zeit wieder an und geben den Insekten Nahrung und Lebensraum. So wie hier die Mohnblumen, die Kamille, oder die blauen Kornblumen.
Fortunately, nature is now being allowed to take its course at the edges of fields and fallow land. All kinds of wildflowers reestablish themselves in a very short time and provide insects with food and a habitat. Like the poppies, the chamomile, or the blue cornflowers here.

Stachelige Schönheiten

Wenn man zu einem bestimmten Thema fotografieren soll, bemerkt man auf einmal die Vielfalt der Natur. Während unseres Sonntagsspaziergang fielen mir viele violett blühende Pflanzen auf, die gerne von Schmetterlingen als Nahrungsquelle genutzt werden. So blühen momentan neben anderen Blumen viele Distelarten wie die Kratzdistel (oben) und die Krause Distel (unten).
When you are asked to take photos on a particular theme, you suddenly notice the diversity of nature. During our Sunday walk I noticed many purple flowering plants, which are gladly used by butterflies as a food source. So at the moment, among other flowers, many thistle species are blooming, such as the creeping thistle (above) and the curly thistle (below).