Mesa Arch – Island in the Sky -Canyonlands NP, Utah

While driving through the “Island in the Sky” section of Canyonlands NP recently, I was surprised how many people stopped at the Mesa Arch to have their picture taken. Indeed, the view over the Canyon is amazing with the La Sal Mountains in the background.

People waiting at Mesa Arch to have their picture taken.
View through the Mesa Arch over the Canyon with the La Sal Mountains in the background.


In Braunschweig gibt es den Schul- und Bürgerpark Dowepark. Anke und ich waren vor ein paar Tagen dort und haben uns die Anlage angeschaut und natürlich auch fotografiert. Es gibt dort eine Hütte mit Sitzbänken und diesen bunt bemalten Scheiben. Ich vermute, dass diese kleinen Kunstwerke von Schülerinnen und Schülern der örtlichen Schulen angefertigt wurden.
In Braunschweig there is the school and citizen park Dowepark. Anke and I were there a few days ago and have looked at the plant and of course also photographed. There is a hut with benches and these colorful painted discs. I guess that these little works of art were made by school kids from the local schools.


Heute Nachmittag waren Bernd und ich in Sachen Fotografie unterwegs. Ich durfte Bernds Makro-Objektiv ausprobieren. Eigentlich wollte ich ja Blumen fotografieren, für kommende Woche. Aber herausgekommen ist dieses Libellenprotrait.
This afternoon Bernd and I were out doing some photography. I was allowed to try out Bernd’s macro lens. Actually, I wanted to photograph flowers, for next week. But out came this dragonfly portrait.

Fire Season

Every year California experiences wildfires that result in devastating loss to our beautiful forests, wildlife, personal property and sometimes human life. I was going through some older photos and came across this one from a fire near Mariposa, CA where I lived for 30+ years. It is meant to honor those who work so tirelessly and at great risk to save the things we hold most dear and to those who have lost so much.

Scans from negative films

Before 2003 I took most pictures as slides, only few as color or black and white negatives. Scanning the slides is tricky and even with a good scanner it takes a lot of time and the result is not always good. For the first time I now have sent a negative film away for scanning and I am quite surprised, since the quality is almost better than what this same lab produces from slide films. Here are a couple of examples.

The pictures are taken in the Chiloe archipelago in Chile. Transport between the islands was with little wooden boats like this one. But also most of the houses are built from wood, clad with shingles. The wood is from the alerce andino, huge trees like the north american Sequoia. On the islands there are none of these trees left.
Only one of the films was a negative film. I used it as a test since the camera had been broken after it got drenched in one of the frequent torrential downpours.

I have written a story about Chiloe in my blog:

As a comparison, all the photos in the blog are scanned from slides

Last Hunt of the Day

I was headed back to my house after a sunset shoot and it was almost dark when I spotted this beauty in a tall dead pine tree. It ignored me for awhile and let me take a few quick shots before finding another perch. I am sure it was looking for its last meal of the day before I interrupted it. I believe it is a juvenile red tail, light morph, a recent fledgling. But feel free to correct me. Have a great weekend. Stay cool and stay healthy!