
In the 17th century tulip bulbs became an object of speculation. In 1637, the price of a single flower bulb could reach a price of up to ten fold the yearly income of a skilled artisan in Amsterdam. Later the same year the bubble burst and fortunes were lost as quickly as they had been earned before. However, the flower bulb industry is still doing well in the Netherlands and numerous varieties of tulips as well as daffodils and gladioli are cultivated. “Tulip mania” became a metaphor for economic bubbles of prices high above the actual value.

For me it is always surprising how the sensitive flowers can survive the severe Dutch weather. Storms of wind force 8 and torrential rain are no rarity in the main flower season between March and May.

More photos and a longer story on my blog: https://h-s-coronastories.blogspot.com/2021/05/corona-walks-3-flower-fields.html

Delphinium Wildflower

These are the delicate little blooms of the quite pretty Ranunculacea variety of Delphinium. It appears to be much smaller than it’s dark purple cousin that is more common in our area. Unfortunately both varieties are quite toxic and can be deadly if ingested by livestock such as cattle, sheep, horses and other grazing animals. It grows wild in our county and can be a bane to ranchers. Have a wonderful day and stay healthy.

Pismo Preserve

Last Year (2020) a new hiking trail complex has been created above Pismo Beach in California. Finally, I got to hike it. I took the longest trail, the YELLOW one, just about 6 miles.

As soon as you gain some elevation, you get a clear view of the Pismo Pier.

Pismo Beach Pier

Suffering from very mild double vision without the need of alcohol, I pushed it a bit further.

Pismo Beach Pier during a double vision earthquake.

Who says California has no Tuscany feel? Oh yes, I know, as soon as you enter a restaurant in real Tuscany you experience the difference.

California Tuscany Feel

The wild mustard is in full bloom, adding to the Tuscany feel. Hey, we are still on the Pismo Preserve Trail!

Wild Mustard in full bloom

Finally, my vision clears (putting on glasses and especially turning off the camera double photo overlay function) we come by the ancient oak trees, often several hundreds of years old, typical for the coastal foothills.

Costal Oak Trees

Highway 89

Driving west on Highway 89 about 30 miles before you get to Interstate 5 you’re treated with this view. I grew up in this area and never appreciated Mt. Shasta until I moved away and was lucky enough to come back and spend a few years.

Wenn Sie auf dem Highway 89 etwa 30 Meilen vor der Interstate 5 nach Westen fahren, werden Sie mit dieser Aussicht behandelt. Ich bin in dieser Gegend aufgewachsen und habe den Berg nie geschätzt. Shasta, bis ich wegzog und das Glück hatte, zurück zu kommen und ein paar Jahre zu verbringen.


Ich war vor einigen Tage in unserem Nachbarbundesland Sachsen-Anhalt unterwegs und bin in Weferlingen gelandet. Der Ort ist zwar nicht groß, bietet aber doch einige interessante Motive. Oben ist die Sankt Lamberti Kirche und das Flüsschen Aller zu sehen, unten die Schlossruine von Weferlingen. Für die Bildgestaltung bot sich hier für mich der typische Postkartenlook geradezu an. So richtig schön kitschig.
I was a few days ago in our neighboring state of Saxony-Anhalt on the road and ended up in Weferlingen. The place is not large, but offers some interesting motifs. Above is the St. Lamberti Church and the Aller River to see, below the castle ruins of Weferlingen. For the image composition was here for me the typical postcard look virtually. So really nice and kitschy.