Water Fantasy

I was photographing splashing water at a small waterfall in Yosemite Valley. Many times I opted for longer exposure times to smooth out the water. This time I tried something different. First, I picked a very fast shutter speed to freeze the water. Then I took a second shot out of focus. The sun reflected in the water and the second image was full of interesting reflective bubbles. In post I overlaid the second, out of focus image over the first image, aligned the images and created a mask to reveal the bubbles to my hearts content. Enjoy!


Auf Ankes Bild gestern war der Mittellandkanal noch zugefroren und der Schiffsverkehr ruhte. Innerhalb der letzen beiden Tagen hat nun heftiges Tauwetter eingesetzt und die Eisdecke ist zerbrochen. Die Eisschollen schwimmen wie zersplitterte Glasscheiben auf dem Kanal.
In Anke’s picture yesterday, the Mittellandkanal was still frozen and shipping traffic was at a standstill. Within the last two days, a heavy thaw has set in and the ice cover has broken. The ice floes float like shattered glass on the canal.


Ein seltener Anblick! Der Mittellandkanal ist derzeit zugefroren. Die Binnenschiffer müssen eine Zwangspause einlegen, weil die Eisbrecher auf der Weser gebraucht werden.
A rare sight! The Mittelland Canal is currently frozen over. The bargemen have to take a forced break because the icebreakers are needed on the Weser.