Honoring Veterans #2

November 11 is Veteran’s Day in the United States. This image is from the Veteran’s Memorial at Anthem, AZ, where a ceremony is held annually on November 11, to honor veterans in all branches of the United States Armed Forces. The names of 1,750 veterans are inscribed on red bricks surrounding The Great Seal of the United States. See Honoring Veterans Post #1.

Honoring Veterans #1

This image from the Veterans Memorial in Anthem, AZ features 5 pillars honoring the 5 military branches of the United States Armed Services. Each pillar has an elliptical opening designed to allow the sun to focus on The Great Seal of the United States shown in my post Honoring Veterans #2. This occurs annually on Veteran’s Day, November 11, at 11:11 am. Amazing design!

Mountain Dogwood

I usually go looking for Dogwoods in Yosemite in the spring when it is full of beautiful white blooms, and in the fall when the foliage can turn amazing colors of green, cream, pink, and red. While out exploring some old logging roads I came across this beautiful specimen in the Sierra National Forrest. I haven’t found a lot of vivid color in Yosemite Dogwoods this year so I was happy!! Have a wonderful day and stay healthy.

Faery Falls

I recently took a trip to Northern California. I’d heard of Faery Falls but had never been there. My second try was successful, note to self; right at trailhead not left. The trail was pretty good as trails go, somewhat steep in sections but well worth the fairly short trek.

Ich habe kürzlich eine Reise nach Nordkalifornien gemacht. Ich hatte von Faery Falls gehört, war aber noch nie dort gewesen. Mein zweiter Versuch war erfolgreich, Notiz an mich selbst; rechts am Ausgangspunkt nicht links. Der Weg war ziemlich gut, etwas steil in Abschnitten, aber die ziemlich kurze Wanderung lohnt sich.

Sunrise for Nearsighted Spider with Human perception (Sonnenaufgang für kurzsichtige Spinne mit menschlichen Augen)

If you were a nearsighted spider, during sunrise, looking towards the first sunrays seeping through tall grass … possibly, you would see your world like shown in the photo… Nehmen wir mal an, du bist eine kleine kurzsichtige Spinne. Die Sonne geht auf und du schaust durch das Grass den ersten Sonnenstrahlen entgegen … möglicherweise, das wäre deine Aussicht…

Yesterday, with David and Friedhelm in the Merced Wildlife Refuge.