Sunrise for Nearsighted Spider with Human perception (Sonnenaufgang für kurzsichtige Spinne mit menschlichen Augen)

If you were a nearsighted spider, during sunrise, looking towards the first sunrays seeping through tall grass … possibly, you would see your world like shown in the photo… Nehmen wir mal an, du bist eine kleine kurzsichtige Spinne. Die Sonne geht auf und du schaust durch das Grass den ersten Sonnenstrahlen entgegen … möglicherweise, das wäre deine Aussicht…

Yesterday, with David and Friedhelm in the Merced Wildlife Refuge.

Merced River

Although the colors were just starting to turn and the leaves still had more green than yellow, Yosemite never fails to put on a show. I was standing in the middle of the river on a sand bar. The river here is only a few inches deep. The whole area is in desperate need of water and with the forecasts showing absolutely no moisture in the near future, things are beginning to look a little bleak. Pray for rain in our future and and a stop to global warming! Have a wonderful day and stay healthy.