Majestic Great Blue Heron (Blauer Reiher)

While in San Luis Obispo, over the course of the last year, I have seen this Blue Heron several times catching goldfish. But, I never got a good picture until now. This time, from the inside, through the window screen, I had finally the chance to take pictures of this large beautiful bird.

Während der letzten Monate, wann immer ich in San Luis Obispo bin, ertappe ich diesen Blauen Reiher beim stehlen von Goldfische. Leider war er immer schon in der Luft, weit weg, bis ich ihn fotografieren konnte. Dieses Mal, konnte ich den Blauen Reiher vom inneren des Hauses fotografieren, durch das “Screen” des Fensters.

Taft Point

The smoke in Yosemite Valley was fairly heavy, it was better higher up at Taft Point a place I’ve never been before. This photo shows a couple of items that made me think ‘how did that happen’. How did that large rock end up there this high up and how does that tree survive without any noticeable soil or water source.

Der Rauch im Yosemite Valley war ziemlich stark, es war besser höher am Taft Point, einem Ort, an dem ich noch nie zuvor gewesen bin. Dieses Foto zeigt einige Dinge, die mich zum Nachdenken gebracht haben, wie das passiert ist. Wie ist dieser große Stein so hoch oben gelandet und wie überlebt dieser Baum ohne erkennbare Erde oder Wasserquelle?


Der Herbst ist da. Und mit ihm auch die kräftigen Farben, die speziell bei tief stehender Sonne auch noch besonders schön leuchten. So wie bei meinem Eisenkraut, dessen Blätter je nach Lichteinstrahlung zwischen rostrot und rot glühend changieren.
Autumn is here. And with it also the strong colors, which shine especially when the sun is low in the sky. Just like my verbena, whose leaves change between rust-red and red-hot depending on the light.

Der Herbst ist da!

Wann immer es das Wetter derzeit zulässt, gehe ich spazieren. Die Kamera habe ich meist dabei und fotografiere alles, was mir ins Auge springt. Anschließend wird (aus-)sortiert. Diese Kastanien sind die Tagessieger.
Whenever the weather currently allows it, I go for a walk. I usually have my camera with me and take pictures of everything that catches my eye. Afterwards I sort out. These chestnuts are the winners of the day.

First Post – My Roots

The date of my first post with Passion for Photos happens to fall on my birthday. I wanted to post an image that means something personal to me and reflects my “roots”. I was born and raised in Bishop, which is on the eastern side of the Sierra Nevada mountains in California. This image includes a field similar to ones I played in as a child, Mt. Tom (highest peak on the right) which was the view out the front window of my childhood home, and the beautiful “Sierra Wave”. The Eastern Sierra is one of my favorite places to photograph, and I’m thankful to be able to call it home.

Tough Times

I took this photo a week before the Creek fire swept through my family’s property by Beasore meadows. Luckily, our family cabin is still standing and unharmed. I love how the tree in this image is growing through a space between the rock. It reminds that we grow and become stronger during the toughest times of our life. Here’s to hoping that those negatively impacted by the wildfires, can find strength and fortitude during these hard times. Enjoy!

Long-Billed Dowitcher (I think)

I met my BFF and photo buddy Val and her granddaughter , an aspiring photographer and quite good, at the Merced Wildlife Refuge based on a rumor that the Sandhill Cranes had arrived. And although there were some, the only ones I saw were in the air. It is still a little early for most migrations. They have just started flooding the fields so the populations of egrets and other water fowl will grow in the coming weeks. There were a few egrets, and I also saw one Blue Heron. But there was a large flock of these little guys. While easy to photograph, it is difficult to catch them with their heads out of the water. I lucked out in this picture. This is the only picture out of probably 3 or 4 hundred frames where a couple of them had their heads out of the water. And I also loved the little sunflowers behind them. Stay healthy and God Bless.

Great Egret

I went to the Merced Wildlife Refuge the other day. They’ve just started flooding the refuge in anticipation of the migratory birds coming in. Right now there weren’t very many birds. The Great Egrets were the best represented species and were busy hunting the newly flooded fields. This one had just taken off while a couple in the background continued to hunt.

Ich war neulich im Merced Wildlife Refuge. Sie haben gerade angefangen, die Zuflucht zu überfluten, in Erwartung der Zugvögel. Im Moment gab es nicht sehr viele Vögel. Die Silberreiher waren die am besten vertretenen Arten und waren damit beschäftigt, die neu überfluteten Felder zu jagen. Dieser war gerade gestartet, als ein Paar im Hintergrund weiter jagte.

Life in a Tidal Pool (Leben im Gezeiten-Pool)

The other day, I was walking along the shoreline in Montaña de Oro State Park, California. It was low tide and at one point I could walk done the cliff to reach the water’s edge. There, I saw this tidal pool with all its creatures waiting for the ocean to return. What a colorful life!

Vor ein paar Tagen bin ich entlang der Klippen im Montaña de Oro State Park in Kalifornien gewandert. Es war Ebbe und an einem Punkt konnte ich runter zum Meer laufen. Dort habe ich in den, ansonsten von den Wellen überschwemmten Felsen, einen Gezeiten-Pool entdeckt, mit vielen kleinen Lebewesen, die auf die Rückkehr des Meeres warten. Selten habe ich so einen vielfarbigen Gezeiten-Pool gesehen.

Thank you all for letting me join your special photo club! Vielen Dank für die Aufnahme in Eueren tollen Photo Club!