
Not really sure of the name of this bush but it reminds me of a bottle brush. With the edict to stay at home ( I try, mostly) photo opportunities are limited. This bush puts up quite a display in the corner of my yard. The little yellow spots are pollen.

Ich bin mir des Namens dieses Busches nicht sicher, aber er erinnert mich an eine Flaschenbürste. Mit dem Edikt, zu Hause zu bleiben (ich versuche es meistens), sind die Fotomöglichkeiten begrenzt. Dieser Busch zeigt sich in der Ecke meines Hofes. Die kleinen gelben Flecken sind Pollen.

Screw City

I picked a bunch of screws and placed them on a reflective surface. As a background I used a black card board and a fiber optic lamp which also served as my light source. Then I started experimenting with different f-stops and exposures times. As a final touch I added a Topaz art filter.

Enjoy and keep on creating great images!

Lazy Days

During this time of self-quarantine, we may find ourselves feeling a little off centered with this drastic change of pace in our daily lives. This image perfectly depicts the typical behavior of a cat, as they lazily lay around, enjoying the moment. I thought this image was a great example of the type of behavior we should embrace while given the mandatory time to slow down our pace. Enjoy!

Kleiner Star

Diesen Star in seinem metallisch schimmernden Frühlingskleid habe ich auf einer Wiese bei der Insektenjagd beobachtet. Im Herbst ist sein Federkleid dann eher dunkel. Auch der jetzt noch leuchtend gelbe Schnabel verfärbt sich dann schwarz.
I watched this star in his metallic shimmering spring dress on a meadow while hunting insects. In autumn his plumage is rather dark. Also the now still bright yellow beak turns black.