Newspaper Stands

I thought this was an interesting image, as now many people tend to get the news on their phone, and purchasing a newspaper is becoming a fading priority. Even though newspapers are becoming a forgotten necessity in this world dependent of technology, they still document pieces of history that no brief news notification on a cell phone could every replace. The image here shows the newspaper stands appearing outdated and abandoned, even though the news is of current date. This seems to also reinforce the idea that newspapers are becoming a forgotten source of information to the rest of the world. Enjoy!

Is it spring yet?

The flowers in my yard are very confused with the interesting weather we’re having. No real rain in January, in fact it was fairly warm. Now in early February we’re having cold mornings and very sunny afternoons. I have a lot of lavender in my yard and these decided to get a jump start on spring.

Die Blumen in meinem Garten sind sehr verwirrt mit dem interessanten Wetter, das wir haben. Kein richtiger Regen im Januar, tatsächlich war es ziemlich warm. Jetzt haben wir Anfang Februar kalte Morgen und sehr sonnige Nachmittage. Ich habe viel Lavendel in meinem Garten und diese beschlossen, einen Frühstart im Frühling zu bekommen.


Hafen 1 heißt das neuste Gebäude der Autostadt Wolfsburg. Ein multifunktionaler Veranstaltungsort für Events aller Art, unter anderem für das internationale Tanztheater “Movimentos”.
Hafen 1 is the name of the newest building of the Autostadt Wolfsburg. A multifunctional venue for events of all kinds, including the international dance theatre “Movimentos”.


Wishon Reservoir is located in the Western Sierra Nevada at an elevation of 8500 ft. The fishing is great and there is also a lot of wildlife. The area also backs up to the John Muir Wilderness complete with trailheads. A gorgeous area but what area isn’t gorgeous in the high sierras? Enjoy the Super Bowl!