
Die Weidenkätzchen sind vor der Blüte weich und flauschig wie aus grauem Samt. Die männlichen Exemplare ziehen dann während der Blüte die Bienen mit ihren leuchtend gelben Staubgefäßen geradezu magisch an.

The willow catkins are soft and fluffy like grey velvet before flowering. The male specimens then magically attract the bees with their bright yellow stamens during flowering.

Wild Cabbage

While out on a search for wildflowers in our local area I came across this interesting and beautiful plant that I had never seen before. After many hours of research, I finally came up the with an identity of Calanthus Coulteri. It is a striking plant with it’s deep burgundy buds and beautiful flowers. Not prolific, I saw about 20 plants. Take a drive and see our wildflowers in the Sierra Nevada foothills. Enjoy your day.

Overlooked Beauty

It looks like my fellow photographers are preparing for our special week in the beginning of April. From April 7th – 13th we will share our very best images of Spring Flowers on this blog.

I took my morning walk and I discovered some purple flowers on the lawn. I picked a few, put them in a water bowl and photographed them backlit. I post I just added a free Topaz O’Keeffe ii filter.

Enjoy and keep on photographing!


Überall in unserer Gegend blüht zur Zeit die japanische Zierkirsche. Dieses Exemplar schmückt den Kirchhof von St. Raphael. Glücklicherweise hatten sich die Wolken verzogen , die Sonne schien und ich hatte meine Kamera dabei.

Everywhere in our region the Japanese ornamental cherry is blooming at the moment. This specimen decorates the churchyard of St. Raphael. Fortunately the clouds had disappeared, the sun was shining and I had my camera with me.