The Master At Work

Friedhelm and I took a quick trip to the Merced Wildlife Refuge where we were looking for wildflowers. Looks like he found one.

It’s hard to spot but there’s a flash just in front of the tripod.


Friedhelm und ich machten einen kurzen Abstecher zum Merced Wildlife Refuge, wo wir nach Wildblumen suchten. Sieht so aus, als hätte er einen gefunden.



Dieser schöne alte Citroen Model H Lieferwagen (gebaut bis 1981) stand neulich am Wolfsburger Schloss. Restauriert und zum Verkaufswagen umgebaut, wird er auch weiterhin noch viele Jahre seinen Dienst verrichten.

This beautiful old Citroen Model H van (built until 1981) recently stood at Wolfsburg Castle. Restored and converted into a sales car, it will continue to perform its service for many years to come.

Spring Flowers

I am currently using all kind of techniques to photograph Spring flowers. In this image I used a wide open 50mm lens to create a very shallow depths of field. I got the center of the yellow flower sharp and I enhanced the sharpness just in the center in post production to create an even larger contrast. I addition I applied a painting filter on an extra layer to blur the rest of the image just a little bit.

Enjoy and keep on photographing!