Vermillion Flycatcher

These birds mostly live in Middle America, but a few spend their winters between southern California and the Gulf of Mexico.

The coloring of these birds is typically dull, mostly grey, with one exception. The male Vermillion Flycatcher has a bright red color in his face, neck and chest. Just tail and wings are grey.

He is also known for puffing up his feathers in the air, when he sings.

Today, while I was sitting near the Colorado River at the Stateline of southern Arizona, he visited me over and over again and performed a really nice show.


Dieser sehr schön zurecht gemachte Oldtimer Lieferwagen stand vor kurzem vor dem Phaeno, unserem Science Center in Wolfsburg, als Werbefahrzeug. Ich dachte so, vor mehr als 50 Jahren, als dieser Ford Transit gebaut wurde, hätte sich niemand danach umgedreht. Wie sich die Zeiten wandeln. Heute ist er ein Schmuckstück und Blickfang.

This beautifully restored vintage van was recently parked in front of the Phaeno, our science center in Wolfsburg, as an advertising vehicle. I thought that more than 50 years ago, when this Ford Transit was built, nobody would have looked at it. How times change. Today it’s a gem and an eye-catcher.


Während der Osterzeit steht am Eingang des Wolfsburger Outlet-Centers jedes Jahr dieser aufblasbare Osterhase, der für Süßigkeiten wirbt. Es sieht fast so aus, als würde er vorsichtig um die Ecke schauen.

Every year during the Easter period, this inflatable Easter bunny stands at the entrance to the Wolfsburg outlet center, advertising sweets. It almost looks as if he is peering cautiously around the corner.

Romantic ruins

The ruins of the castle and cathedral on the top of Oybin mountain is a symbol for German history. At the border between Poland, Bohemia/Czech Republic and Saxonia it saw many different people pass by. In the 18th century it was discovered by the romantic painters like Caspar David Friedrich. It is especially attractive in Winter, when the old stones are not hidden behind the trees

More about the history of the area can be found here in German:

and here in English: