At the playground – “Looking up” exercise #04


There are few playgrounds On my daily exercise walk (with a camera of course). I usually overlook them but they are wonderful to photograph and offer great opportunities to study the light. I photographed this image underneath a slide. I had the camera close to the ground and shot straight up. Enjoy and happy photographing!

The straw- Packaging material Exercise #03


The lid and straw from my soft drink got my attention. I thought I could get a very nice high key image out of it. I separated the lid from the cup and cut the straw underneath the lid. Then I put the lid on my light table to get some good background light. I tried several f stops to get the  right depth of field. Enjoy and have a great week-end

Finding the kid in me part 2 – Packaging material Exercise #03


After my first round of shots yesterday I decided to do it all over again. This time I changed the light setting from a barn door to a snoot. I kept the light source behind the boxes and used a snoot instead of a barn door. I did not use a gel. The red in background comes from the reflection of on of the boxes.

Enjoy and happy exercising with your camera!

Finding the kid in me – Packaging material Exercise #03


I decided to take yesterday’s statement about creativity seriously and built a skyline out of packaging blocks. I used a door as a backdrop, nothing fancy in other words. I decided to go for a silhouette and tried different lightning scenarios. At the end I used two strobe lights, one with a barn door and a blue gel and the other with white light. In a way it felt awkward to do things that you have done as a child on the other side it was a lot of fun to do this. I am curious where else this exercise will lead me. Have fun with your creativity!

Packaging material Exercise #03

Creativity means to connect with the kid in you!  Children are incredibly creative. When I was a child (before electronic toys, computers ….) I built all kinds of things out of packaging material. I remember that my parents gave us once big boxes that we used as cars. We cut out windows etc. This week I ask you to collect all kinds of packaging material and create a composition that you photograph.


I collected candy wrappers that I folded and put into a chocolate box to create some sort of “flower” where the chocolate box is the stem and the wrapping material the flower petals. I admit, it takes a lot of fantasy and goodwill to see the flower but I liked the idea.

Don’t forget to have fun with this exercise!

The button – (exercise #2, tri-unity)


There was a paper clip right besides an air can in my office. That started the creative process for this image. I bend the clip and pushed it into the straw of the can. Then I had to find something light and I found this button in the kitchen. My composition was born. I decided to open up my lens to put the emphasis on the button and use the blue of the can as a backdrop for the button.

Enjoy and happy experimenting! Never forget, with the help of a little bit of creativity and imagination you can create great compositions and interesting images.

Energy squeeze – (exercise #2, tri-unity)


This exercise grew on me quite a bit this week. I am constantly looking for things that don’t belong together. Yesterday I found a box of old shotgun shells and an old rechargeable battery. The primer and the positive tip of the battery caught my attention, one is sticking out the other is not. They yellow colors don’t match. They have in common that both have somewhat stored energy. Then I discovered the clamp and I got my composition together in no-time.

Enjoy and have fun with ideas.

Cat cuisine – (exercise #2, tri-unity)


This wonderful recipe calls for dry cat food, a strawberry and ranch sauce. These are my three items that in my mind absolutely don’t belong together. I put them in a small blue bowl to create a nice complementary background color. The “face” on the ranch sauce is the “icing on the cake.” Bon appetit and happy shooting (not eating!)