Starry Night

I’m still testing out the new iPhone 14 Pro’s camera capabilities and I got this cool photo of the stars while up at my family’s cabin in the Sierras. I was surprised that it captured the stars fairly well, considering. Do you see the Little Dipper in the second image? I wasn’t aware I got it in the photo until after! Hope you enjoy!

Rainy Day

I was going through some unpublished photos the other day and found this one that I never posted. I quickly took this picture of my boyfriend changing the windshield wipers on his truck in the rain. I like how the raindrops are the only thing in focus while the actual subject of the image remains in the background. Hopefully this image reminds you of cooler days as we begin our summer!

Street Shadows

My family, boyfriend, and I went to Santa Cruz for the day just to get away. The weather was beautiful and it was very busy all around—I think everyone had the same idea. While walking, I saw this really cool tree shadow on the wall and snapped a quick pic. I also like the old pay phone on the wall right below it. Enjoy!