On the kitchen counter I saw this roll of paper towels. It gave me the opportunity to create a high key image.
Enjoy and happy exercising!
Photos are meant to be shared
This weeks photographic challenge is “The kitchen project!” Go into your kitchen and photograph what you see. You can use natural light of artificial light. You can use any lens you choose. There is only one restriction: Don’t arrange anything! Find the composition and/or create it in your camera!
In this image I just opened the door of the kitchen cabinet and I found the bowls on top of the plates.
Enjoy and have a great photographic experience! One last thing: You might want to photograph in your kitchen when you spouse is out of the house!
This close-up is also photographed from the same tree. I wonder how many images I could create from just one tree. The imagination is just going wild sometimes and it is a good thing.
Happy photographing and don’t forget: You snooze you loose! This is true for many things and certainly for photography!
I photographed this image from the same tree than yesterday’s photo. It is a very old tree on the bike path in Merced, CA. I walked by this tree many times since it is on my exercise route and I just overlooked it.
Keep in mind: The purpose of constant photographic exercises is to train your eyes that you see things and images that we normally overlook!
Keep on shooting!
One of the greatest gifts as a photographer is creativity and imagination. These gifts have to be combined with persistence and hard work. I want you to continue to photograph just one tree of you choice and create images of great fantasy that the viewer does not recognise as a tree or part of a tree. Enjoy and have fun.
I found this old tree on my exercise walk which has lots of cracks and structure.