I discovered this sign during a walk through my neighborhood. I am thankful for people that express their desire and hope for peace.
Month: March 2022
Am Froschteich
Diese Grasfrösche waren am vergangenen Wochenende offensichtlich in Hochzeitsstimmung. Es war einiges los in dem kleinen Teich im Wald.
Tribal Hoop Dancers
Native Americans from various tribes in the US and Canada competing in the Hoop Dancing Championship in Phoenix, Arizona
Biker Ausflug
Studio portrait of my friend and fellow photographer, Florian
Dogwood in the Spring
For years I am driving to Yosemite in Spring to see the blossoms of the dogwoods. They are such beautiful flowers, no matter whether they are the white or red variety. As a surprise I found a dogwood in a nursery and planted her in our backyard. Every year I am watching her, but she was not ready to show me her blossoms. This year, however, she surprised me with this Beauty.
Shades of Silver
I’ve always thought that this plant (silver ragwort) looks frosted, like dewy grass during the winter months. Since we’ve already completed the first week of spring, I wanted to post this image because it conveys a “winter mood” as we experience this warmer weather. Enjoy!
Tail of Tails
The Castle Air Museum located in Atwater California has over 90 aircraft. From one of the first drones to a B-52 and SR71. Not to mention a presidential plane. There is so much to photograph, but these lined up tail sections caught my eye.
Das Castle Air Museum in Atwater, Kalifornien, hat über 90 Flugzeuge. Von einer der ersten Drohnen zu einer B-52 und SR71. Ganz zu schweigen von einem Präsidentenflugzeug. Es gibt so viel zu fotografieren, aber diese aufgereihten Heckteile sind mir ins Auge gefallen.
Castle Air Museum
Yesterday I had the opportunity to photograph at the Castle Air Museum in Atwater. Airplanes are marvels of engineering and a challenge to photograph. I opted for my Lensbaby edge 50 lens to emphasize the propeller on this air plane. Enjoy!