Northern Harrier

Photos are meant to be shared
I much prefer the northern coast of California to the long beaches of the southern half. I like the turmoil the rocks and waves create. I changed this one to black and white to emphasize the contrasts.
Ich ziehe die Nordküste Kaliforniens den langen Stränden der südlichen Hälfte vor. Ich mag die Turbulenzen, die die Felsen und Wellen verursachen. Ich habe dieses in Schwarzweiß geändert, um die Kontraste hervorzuheben.
The Sand Hill cranes are currently at the Federal Wildlife Refuge in Merced. I like the contrast in this image. the upper bird’s wings were straight and the the lower bird’s wings were curved.
Enjoy the image and keep on photographing!
Recently, all the almond orchards surrounding my house have started to bloom and it’s starting to look like spring came early! Enjoy!
I spotted this toadstool growing on a tree in Yosemite a while back.
Ich habe diesen Giftpilz vor einiger Zeit auf einem Baum in Yosemite gesehen.