Text 07

text 07

Normally our eyes go to the brightest spot in the image. This would be the headlights of the car or the street lights. My eyes go to the El Capitan Hotel sign. It is a relatively dark sign but the test grabs our attention.

Enjoy the image and keep on photographing!

By the way: I photographed this image in my hometown Merced, CA.


Text 06

text 06

How important is text in this image? There is the “Solid Brass” label on the glass and the text behind the bulb. The “Solid Brass” label suggests that the lamp is a quality product. Obviously this lamp is a few years old. Does it hold what the label promised?

Enjoy the image and keep on photographing!


Text 05

This week I challenge you to continue to work on text in an image. The insight is that text in an image magically draws attention to itself even if the text is small and hardly readable.

text 05

The text is partially destroyed in this image and still we would like to know what this sign is all about.

Enjoy the image and keep on working on this exercise!