Spring Flowers In Black And White 05

Let us continue to photograph wildflowers for black and white this week.

Spring Flowers in Black and White 05


I drove to Anza  – Borrego Desert State Park in southern California last week-end. It was great to see all the wildflowers blooming in the dry desert sand. This is an image of a primrose.

Enjoy and keep on photographing!


Spring Flowers In Black And White 04

Spring Flowers in Black and White 04

Creating stunning black and white images is not just setting the camera to black and white or to de-saturate the colors in post production. For me it means to look at each RGB channel which I stack in layers and carefully mask them to create the look I want. In addition a program like Silver Efex Pro II is very helpful. If you would like to dig deeper into black adn white conversion, please read Vincent Versace’s book “From Oz to Kansas.”

Enjoy and keep on photographing!


Spring Flowers In Black And White 03

Spring Flowers in Black and White 03


Not just the flowers are blooming, many trees are also in full bloom. I shot this image pretty much straight up giving me almost a white background with a white blossom. This can be tricky! Luckily the blossom had a good structure and the branches in the background also helped to reveal the blossom clearly.

Enjoy and keep on photographing!