Took this image in the beautiful Sanger country last weekend. I loved how everything was painted a vibrant green, giving a beautiful contrast to the pale blue sky. Enjoy !
Month: March 2019
Wild Cabbage
Lupine and Poppies
The foothills are really starting to show their spring colors.
Die Ausläufer beginnen wirklich ihre Frühlingsfarben zu zeigen.
Overlooked Beauty
It looks like my fellow photographers are preparing for our special week in the beginning of April. From April 7th – 13th we will share our very best images of Spring Flowers on this blog.
I took my morning walk and I discovered some purple flowers on the lawn. I picked a few, put them in a water bowl and photographed them backlit. I post I just added a free Topaz O’Keeffe ii filter.
Enjoy and keep on photographing!
Das ist mein Garten!
Magnolia Blossoms
Almond Orchards
Took this image of the blooming almond trees that surround my house. During the spring, the beautiful flowers begin to bloom and shed their petals, resembling fallen snow. Enjoy!
Art & Artist
Another post from our trip to Columbia. You have to look a little closer at this one. You’ll notice in the background is one of the blacksmiths, his form mimicking the artist metalwork in the foreground.
Ein weiterer Beitrag von unserer Reise nach Columbia. Sie müssen dieses etwas näher betrachten. Im Hintergrund ist einer der Schmiede zu sehen, dessen Form die künstlerische Metallarbeit im Vordergrund bildet.