
Anke hatte ja bereits gestern das Taufbecken der Andreaskirche in Braunschweig gezeigt. Ich habe seine Wasseroberfläche als Spiegel genutzt, um das Kirchenschiff mit Blick auf die Orgel zu zeigen. Und natürlich habe ich Anke nicht alleine den höchsten Kirchturm Braunschweigs (93m) besteigen lassen. Das untere Bild zeigt einen Blick aus einem der Turmfenster. Die Kirche, die man dort sieht ist die Katharinenkirche.
Anke had already shown the baptismal font of St. Andrew’s Church in Braunschweig yesterday. I used its water surface as a mirror to show the nave with a view of the organ. And of course I didn’t let Anke climb the highest church tower of Braunschweig (93m) alone. The picture below shows a view from one of the tower windows. The church you can see there is the Katharinenkirche.

Osprey at the Pacific Coast

I have been to the Pacific Coast many times but have never spotted an osprey until my trip last week to Pacific Grove. This beautiful bird sat on the rocks at the edge of the Pacific Ocean for quite awhile before he flew off. He was as much of a delight as getting to spend this summer day at 65 degrees rather than the 100+ temperatures in the Central Valley of California where I live during the summer.

St. Andreaskirche, Braunschweig

Die Braunschweiger Altstadt wurde während des zweiten Weltkrieges zu 90% zerstört. Vieles wurde wieder aufgebaut und neu gestaltet. So steht dieses moderne Taufbecken seit 1963 in der St.Andreaskirche. Auf dem unteren Foto sieht man den Kirchturm (389 Stufen, ich war oben!) hinter der Alten Waage.

Braunschweig’s old town was 90% destroyed during the Second World War. Much was rebuilt and redesigned. So this modern baptismal font stands since 1963 in the St.Andreaskirche. On the photo below you can see the church tower (389 steps, I was on top!) behind the Alte Waage.

Mule Ears….

Mule Ears as they are affectionately called in our mountain communities because of their large spear shaped leaves, are very common in the fields along the sides of the roads at this time of year. It is a member of the Aster family and is found primarily in the mountains and foothills of the Sierra Nevada. They are very photogenic because of their coloring and size but are one of the last plants to bloom in this area. Have a wonderful weekend and stay cool and healthy.

Mesa Arch – Island in the Sky -Canyonlands NP, Utah

While driving through the “Island in the Sky” section of Canyonlands NP recently, I was surprised how many people stopped at the Mesa Arch to have their picture taken. Indeed, the view over the Canyon is amazing with the La Sal Mountains in the background.

People waiting at Mesa Arch to have their picture taken.
View through the Mesa Arch over the Canyon with the La Sal Mountains in the background.


In Braunschweig gibt es den Schul- und Bürgerpark Dowepark. Anke und ich waren vor ein paar Tagen dort und haben uns die Anlage angeschaut und natürlich auch fotografiert. Es gibt dort eine Hütte mit Sitzbänken und diesen bunt bemalten Scheiben. Ich vermute, dass diese kleinen Kunstwerke von Schülerinnen und Schülern der örtlichen Schulen angefertigt wurden.
In Braunschweig there is the school and citizen park Dowepark. Anke and I were there a few days ago and have looked at the plant and of course also photographed. There is a hut with benches and these colorful painted discs. I guess that these little works of art were made by school kids from the local schools.


Heute Nachmittag waren Bernd und ich in Sachen Fotografie unterwegs. Ich durfte Bernds Makro-Objektiv ausprobieren. Eigentlich wollte ich ja Blumen fotografieren, für kommende Woche. Aber herausgekommen ist dieses Libellenprotrait.
This afternoon Bernd and I were out doing some photography. I was allowed to try out Bernd’s macro lens. Actually, I wanted to photograph flowers, for next week. But out came this dragonfly portrait.