As long as I remember this gentleman is playing the flute in Columbia. I photographed him with my “lensbaby” trying to keep his head in focus.
Enjoy and keep on photographing!
Photos are meant to be shared
“Lensbaby” is a special lens that distorts parts of the image and can create some really nice and interesting effects in your picture. Take a look at their website at to get familiar with their product. I am sure you can create some similar effects in Photoshop or other post production photo editors. I challenge you to create some awsome images either with a lensbaby lens or in post production. There is a nice tutorial on how to do that at the following link:
I decided to do this exercise at a familiar place. I photographed at Columbia State Park many times during the last years and I thought just using a lensbaby could open my eyes to a new perspective.
I was looking for different reflective surfaces and thought that there is nothing more reflective than a mirror. So I put some water drops on a mirror set my macro lens to f32 and 30 sec. exposure time at ISO 100 and this is what I got. Not the prettiest picture but definitely interesting.
Enjoy and keep on photographing!
For this exercise you need a dark room, a flashlight, a reflective surface like a CD, a black sheet of paper and of course your camera on a tripod. Create some droplets on the CD and photograph them in darkness while using a small flash light to illuminate the droplets. I used different exposure times ranking from 6 seconds to 30 seconds, a 100 ISO setting and an aperture setting from f8 – f32 on my 180mm macro lens. You most likely have to experiment with these settings.
This is my second image, the first one was too dark. I uses an aperture setting of f22, ISO 100 and 30 seconds exposure time. My flashlight was also mostly covered up.
Enjoy and keep on experimenting!