Winter in the Sierra Nevada
Photos are meant to be shared
Been thinking about my Mom and Dad and came across some old 35mm negatives of photos I took almost 50 years ago. I scanned them at 600 ppi but they still came out a little pixelated. Anyway Happy New Year and I wish the best for you and your family.
Ich habe an meine Mutter und meinen Vater gedacht und bin auf einige alte 35-mm-Negative von Fotos gestoßen, die ich vor fast 50 Jahren aufgenommen habe. Ich habe sie mit 600 ppi gescannt, aber sie waren immer noch etwas verpixelt. Auf jeden Fall ein frohes neues Jahr und ich wünsche Ihnen und Ihrer Familie alles Gute.
After Christmas I thought I would be able to spend some quiet time at Sunset Beach at the Pacific Ocean. Instead we were warned of the high waves at the beach. Of course I had to go and photograph!
Enjoy the image and have a Happy New Year.
PS: I also would like to take the opportunity to thank Peter Hilden for his contribution to our photoblog. Peter shared many outstanding images from his vast portfolio as a travel and street photographer. We all wish him all the best and many more great images!
Weihnachten ist vorbei, Sylvester steht bevor. Es sind Schulferien und viele Leute haben Urlaub. Eine gute Gelegenheit ein paar Runden auf der Eisbahn zu drehen und so nebenbei etwas gegen die Feiertagspfunde zu unternehmen. Ich wünsche allen einen guten Rutsch in ein hoffentlich friedlicheres Jahr 2024.
Christmas is over, New Year’s Eve is coming up. It’s the school vacations and many people are on vacation. A good opportunity to do a few laps of the ice rink and do something to lose those holiday pounds. I wish everyone a happy new year and hopefully a more peaceful 2024.
The barn in this picture is part of the Westfall Ranch which was recently dedicated to the county as a historical site. It is located in a beautiful area of the county on land that is filled with pines and Black Oaks. As often happens this time of year, the sky was slightly obscured by a thin layer of clouds that dimmed the Milky Way and stars. Stay safe, stay healthy and have a wonderful Christmas.