Month: February 2022
Almond Orchard on a stormy day
The Sun Shining In
American Avocet
Went to the Merced Wildlife Refuge with Friedhelm yesterday. While apparently very common I saw a bird I can’t remember seeing before. It was a breeding American Avocet. A very distinct bird among the white geese and black mud hens.

War gestern mit Friedhelm im Merced Wildlife Refuge. Obwohl es anscheinend sehr häufig vorkommt, habe ich einen Vogel gesehen, an den ich mich nicht erinnern kann, ihn schon einmal gesehen zu haben. Es war ein züchtender amerikanischer Säbelschnäbler. Ein sehr ausgeprägter Vogel unter den weißen Gänsen und schwarzen Schlammhühnern.
Storm is Coming

When I was out and about in the city last week, I happened to pass this wind chime with the sun just shining through it. It was a light situation that could only be seen for a brief moment. Fortunately, I had my little camera with me to capture this sight.

On many railroad lines nothing went in the last days. Several storm lows caused, among other things, downed trees that blocked some routes. When I was in Fallersleben on Saturday on the station bridge, but still ran the automaschen announcements. I should be careful on the platform 😉