Month: February 2022
Sometimes I ask myself how advertising works. Is somebody really tempted to buy a product exposed by such a rude, unsympathetic, insensible and brutal advertisement? What does such a campaign say about the mental attitude of the client who ordered it? And about the client who is motivated to buy the product?
Almond Orchard on a stormy day
A storm rushed through the Central Valley of California and displayed an amazing sky. I had to drive around and photographed a blooming Almond Orchard with this beautiful sky.
The Sun Shining In
I captured this photo before the recent rainstorm that swept through the valley. This photo reminded me of summer months and basking in the sunshine under the shade. Hopefully, this photo brings you the feeling of summer as we get through these cold winter days. Enjoy!
Iced Flowers
We had no rain or snow since December (2021). Now, finally in the later part of February of 2022, we got some snow that covered the first emerging flowers.
American Avocet
Went to the Merced Wildlife Refuge with Friedhelm yesterday. While apparently very common I saw a bird I can’t remember seeing before. It was a breeding American Avocet. A very distinct bird among the white geese and black mud hens.
War gestern mit Friedhelm im Merced Wildlife Refuge. Obwohl es anscheinend sehr häufig vorkommt, habe ich einen Vogel gesehen, an den ich mich nicht erinnern kann, ihn schon einmal gesehen zu haben. Es war ein züchtender amerikanischer Säbelschnäbler. Ein sehr ausgeprägter Vogel unter den weißen Gänsen und schwarzen Schlammhühnern.
Storm is Coming
This images describes best how I feel this morning after I heard the news that Russia attacked the Ukraine.