Oak Fire

This past week I visited an area that makes me very sad because it was an area I loved to go and photograph. In the spring and fall it was always full of color and beauty. A year ago this entire area was ravaged by a wildfire that destroyed everything in it’s path. And while I saw signs of regrowth, it will take years to regain that beauty. 127 homes were lost and over 19,000 acres were destroyed. People’s lives were upended and wildlife was lost. All because of an arsonist’s hand. So sad.

Visiting Bumpass Hell

Bumpass Hell is part of the Lassen Volcanic National Park in Northern California. Lassen is one of the few places on the globe where all four types of volcanoes are located next to each other, even in multiples. Aside the shield, cinder cone, and stratovolcano, it harpers the largest plug dome volcano worldwide. Yet, when volcanoes are peaceful, they are a bit boring and difficult to hike. Not so Bumpass Hell, where everything is hot, babbling sulfur smelling steam emanating from the ground. If you are a believer of fairytales … hell is just around the corner … even vegetation stays away from hell. Nowadays, even hell has to be manageable, so people are kept out of harms way by letting them walk on artificial walkways.

Mt. Shasta

I took a trip to Northern California for a small family reunion. I had a little time one morning an took a trip up Everett Memorial Highway to the old ski bowl on Mt. Shasta. The first photo is on the way up, the second from 7800 feet looking south.

Für ein kleines Familientreffen unternahm ich eine Reise nach Nordkalifornien. Eines Morgens hatte ich etwas Zeit und machte einen Ausflug den Everett Memorial Highway hinauf zum alten Skibowl am Mt. Shasta. Das erste Foto ist auf dem Weg nach oben, das zweite aus 7800 Fuß Höhe mit Blick nach Süden.