Ein Hauch von Winter

Am Wochenende fiel im Oberharz der erste Schnee und ließ die Tannen aussehen, als seien sie mit Puderzucker bestreut. Aber leider sind auch die Folgen des Klimawandels nur zu deutlich zu sehen.
At the weekend, the first snow fell in the Upper Harz and made the fir trees look as if they were sprinkled with powdered sugar. But unfortunately, the consequences of climate change are also all too evident.

A Surreal Scene

I’ve been taking a photography class for one of my fun class electives, and our most recent assignment was “envision the surreal”. This was a fun project and my idea for this image was to demonstrate how books are a form of escape and can lead us into entirely different worlds. I wanted there to be a contrast between the dark and colorless scenery in the background and the colorful landscape coming out of the book. Enjoy!