
Friedhelms Tulpen haben mich animiert, auch mal wieder ein eher abstrakt wirkendes Bild zu machen. Das Ausgangsbild sind Dekokugeln in einem Glasbehälter. Vorder- und Hintergrund werden auf verschiedenen Ebenen mit dem Swirlfilter gegeneinander verdreht. Die verschiedenen Farben entstehen durch die Ebenenmischmethoden. Da muss man einfach mal experimentieren. Wer auf den Geschmack gekommen ist, findet im Netz unter dem Stichwort “Swirleffekt” genügend Anleitungen dazu. Viel Spaß!

Friedhelm’s tulips have animated me to make a rather abstract-looking image again. The initial image are decorative balls in a glass container. Foreground and background are twisted against each other on different layers with the swirl filter. The different colors are created by the layer blending methods. You just have to experiment. If you have got a taste for it, you will find enough instructions on the net under the keyword “swirl effect”. Have fun!

Tulips and Lights

This image is a composition of several exposures. I picket a bouquet of tulips and put them on a stand in front of a Christmas tree. For this image I picket a 50mm lens that produced a little swirly background blur. The tulips were illuminated evenly through a ring light. Camera was mounted on a tripod. After my first exposure I rotated the tulips. Background light setting and camera stayed the same. Then I created the second exposure, rotated the flowers again, created the next image etc. In post I arranged my images in layers where I changed the opacity and tweaked the image until I liked the final result.