
Photos are meant to be shared
After my family and I had our thanksgiving meal, my younger cousins and I went on a walk while the sun was beginning to set. I brought my camera and had a little photoshoot with them, which they loved! I got this really cool shot of my cousin peaking through some palm leaves. She loved being a model and really got into it! Enjoy!
The first snow of the season in Yosemite gave a wonderful combination of Fall and Winter. Either season apart can be pretty spectacular but together…..
Der erste Schnee der Saison in Yosemite bot eine wunderbare Kombination aus Herbst und Winter. Jede Jahreszeit kann ziemlich spektakulär sein, aber zusammen …..
Nine exposures of a vase of carnations. Camera is mounted on a tripod and in manual mode. Before each exposure I turned the vase a few degrees. In post I edited the images in layers. Enjoy!
I thought this photo was pretty interesting since it looks like an oil painting due to the photo not being in focus. The warm colors in the back gives this image a “fall feeling”, as well. Enjoy!