Door and Knob

You’ll notice a lot of my posts have to do with old stuff and antiques. Nothing says old like blistering paint, an old door knob and key hole.

Sie werden feststellen, dass viele meiner Beiträge mit alten Sachen und Antiquitäten zu tun haben. Nichts ist so alt wie Blasen, ein alter Türknauf und ein Schlüsselloch.


Ich bin gestern nach der Arbeit noch eine Runde durch den Wald gelaufen und habe dabei dieses Eichhörnchen im Abendlicht erwischt, gerade in dem Moment als der kleine Kerl um den Baum lugte. Glück gehabt.
Yesterday after work I went for a walk in the woods and caught this squirrel in the evening light, just at the moment when the little guy was peeping around the tree. That was lucky.

Spring Time Drive

Some recent day trips with my son has led us to some very remote areas of our county. Mariposa is a large county with a small population, and a large portion of it belongs to Yosemite National Park and The Sierra National Forrest. This means that most of the area is unpopulated. It also means there is a lot of back country to explore. The areas we visited were once thick with pines and cedars. Un- fortunately a lot of this area has been hit with devastating wildfires in the past few year wiping out much of the tree population. This area has been cleared of the dead wood and things are beginning to grow again (Poison Oak). Which is good to see. Stay healthy.