During the winter month you can see spider webs everywhere. In the morning they are full of moisture and certainly lot’s of fun to photograph.
Enjoy and keep on photographing!
Photos are meant to be shared
Let us continue last weeks exercise and photograph our home community during the winter season.
I photographed this image in downtown Merced, CA. I discovered the the two trees could be photographed almost in a rectangle just by positioning the camera a little bit differently.
Enjoy and keep on photographing!
I photographed these “dead” flowers in downtown Merced, CA. Many flowers that are in full bloom during Spring or Summer are killed by the frost during the winter. There is hardly ever snow in the Central California Valley but there are a few nights where it is freezing.
Enjoy and keep on photographing!
Depending on where you live winter may be totally different. In Sweden it was pretty cold and snowing. In England it was warmer and there was no snow. It is even warmer in Central California. There is no snow but lot’s of fog and moisture in the air. I ask you to photograph “Winter” in your community for the next two weeks. Challenge yourself to describe your hometown with winter expressions.
I shot this image early this morning. It is a typical winter morning in Central California. Enjoy and have fun with this exercise!