Slowly I work my way closer to the bottles. In this image I like the way the tree bottles are laying on the other bottles.
Enjoy and keep on photographing! Don’t forget, photography can be hard work and is always a lot of fun and creativity!
Photos are meant to be shared
This week I like you to find a pile of old bottles or create one and photograph them. Start by photographing the entire pile and then work closer. You may also photograph the bottles during different times of the day. Watch how the changing light effects your images. As always, this should be a lot of fun!
I decided to create a square out of 25 images. First I added a frame to all my 27 images that I photographed during the past two weeks. I picked a frame size of 20 pixels making the total image 520×520 pixels. My master would be therefor 520×5 pixels meaning 2600X2600 pixels. Then I copied and pasted 25 out of my 27 images and organised them in a grid. Since the frames double to 40 pixels inside the grid I added another 20 pixel frame to my master. After this I copied the master into a regular 4×6 image and added some text.
On more note: It is always interesting to see how one organises images in a series of shots. I attended a class, taught by the great German photographer Harald Mante about Serial Photography and I specifically remembered that I thought I had all my images organised. He took just a short look at my images and shuffled them all around and got a lot better final image than me. This basically happened to everybody in the class and it was always fun to watch how he, the master photographer, developed a great vision in just the blink of an eye.