Blick von der Brücke

Anke hatte ja gestern bereits die zur Fußgängerbrücke umgebaute, alte Eisenbahnbrücke über die Elbe gezeigt. Meine Bilder zeigen nun den Blick von der Brücke auf die Silhouette von Magdeburg. Hier wird noch mal deutlich, wie dominant dieser Dom das Stadtbild bestimmt.

Yesterday, Anke had already shown the old railroad bridge over the Elbe, which has been converted into a pedestrian bridge. My pictures now show the view from the bridge onto the silhouette of Magdeburg. Here you can see once again how dominant this cathedral is in the cityscape.

Human Being and Nature

California Fall colors are very impressive, especially on the eastern side of the Sierra Nevada mountains. The young man is photographing the scene and I am photographing him and the scene. This image made me think. We all are part of this world and we need preserve it that future generation can not only make a living but also enjoy the beauty of the seasons.

Luffenholtz Beach

These were from a trip to the North Coast of California I took a few months back. No need to change them to Black and White since the overcast pretty much took care of that.

Diese stammen von einer Reise an die Nordküste Kaliforniens, die ich vor ein paar Monaten unternommen habe. Sie müssen nicht in Schwarzweiß geändert werden, da die Bewölkung das Problem so gut wie gelöst hat.