I took these images while taking a walk the other day. There’s nothing very special about them, but I like taking walks with a camera in hand, snapping pictures of anything and everything that catches my eye. Enjoy!
Month: June 2019
Lonely Rock
Last time I was at the Northern California Coast I spotted this rock all along on the beach. No other rocks were nearby. I like the black and white effect.
Als ich das letzte Mal an der kalifornischen Küste von Norhtern war, habe ich diesen Felsen die ganze Zeit am Strand gesehen. Keine anderen Felsen sind in der Nähe. Ich mag den Schwarz-Weiß-Effekt.
Wismar Harbor
During my last trip to Europe had the chance to photograph the beautiful City of Wismar. Wismar like Bergen in Norway were once part of the Hanse, a league of German merchants that had a big influence on Europe during the medieval times. Enjoy the picture of the old harbor.
Altes Fachwerk
Bunch of Roses
Now Playing
This is one of my favorite black and white images. It reminds me of days when there were only black and white movies and vintages theaters. Enjoy!
This little sprout on a very long branch caught me eye at Lithia Park in Ashland Oregon. I cropped it somewhat otherwise the sprout would be very small and it is the focal point.
Dieser kleine Spross auf einem sehr langen Ast fiel mir im Lithia Park in Ashland Oregon auf. Ich habe es etwas beschnitten, sonst wäre der Spross sehr klein und es ist der Schwerpunkt.
Pencil Shavings
I am happy to be home again after being in Europe for over a month. So I photographed some backlit pencil shavings just for fun.
Enjoy the image and keep on photographing!