This is the last of the low light portrails that I publish this year. Enjoy the image and celebrate the holidays. I will be back in January of 2015 with more exercises for photographers.
Photos are meant to be shared
It is always good to push yourself and get to the limits of your and your camera’s ability. I challenge your to visit an indoor event and photograph people in a very low light environment.
I did this exercise at the Great Dickens Fair in San Francisco where I photographed this violin player.
As always enjoy your photography and have fun!
Street lights can be overpowering in a HDR image and it can be difficult to control them. In this image the eyes wander almost automatically to the light in the center of the image. This gives every photographer a tool to lead the eyes of the viewer when you carefully compose the image.
Enjoy and keep on photographing!
Photography is about studying the light. This three exposure image has a range of different lights. The quality of the light in the sky it totally different from the light of the palm tree on the right. The light in the windows is different than the light on the banner.
Enjoy and keep on photographing!