
Dieser sehr schön zurecht gemachte Oldtimer Lieferwagen stand vor kurzem vor dem Phaeno, unserem Science Center in Wolfsburg, als Werbefahrzeug. Ich dachte so, vor mehr als 50 Jahren, als dieser Ford Transit gebaut wurde, hätte sich niemand danach umgedreht. Wie sich die Zeiten wandeln. Heute ist er ein Schmuckstück und Blickfang.

This beautifully restored vintage van was recently parked in front of the Phaeno, our science center in Wolfsburg, as an advertising vehicle. I thought that more than 50 years ago, when this Ford Transit was built, nobody would have looked at it. How times change. Today it’s a gem and an eye-catcher.


Darf ich vorstellen: der Wolf, das Wappentier unserer Stadt und das Maskottchen unseres Fußballvereins VfL Wolfsburg. Leider passt zur Zeit der Tabellenplatz nicht zu der Bezeichnung “Wölfe”.

May I introduce: the wolf, the heraldic animal of our city and the mascot of our soccer club VfL Wolfsburg. Unfortunately, the club’s current position in the table does not match the name “wolves”.


My contribution for the topic of the month is a bus shelter. A homeless guy in Vienna has set up his home in the shelter. He sleeps on the bench. His belongings are in the plastic bags. His shoes are neatly set down close to his head.

Note also the text on the commercials. The one above the sleeper “Immer für sie da” (“Always ready to serve you”) is by a Vienna taxi company. I doubt that he will ever be able to use it. The line below the lovely female face outside the shelter reads “Kein “Weiter wie bisher” (“No , “Continue as before”)