Autumn mist

In autumn, the Dutch polder landscape is often hidden in fog. But suddenly the infinite expanse of this horizontal landscape comes back. The ugly attributes inflicted by progress, such as distribution centers, skyscrapers or power lines, disappear into the fog. Even the noise of the omnipresent internal combustion engine in its various appearances appears muffled


Wenn man Insekten aus der Nähe betrachtet, wirken sie oft wie Aliens aus einem Science Fiction Film. Das hier ist ein Grünes Heupferd, dass gestern in meinen Blumen herumkletterte. Sie gehört zu den größten (ca. 5 cm) in Mitteleuropa vorkommenden Laubheuschrecken.

When you look at insects up close, they often seem like aliens from a science fiction movie. This one is a green grasshopper that was climbing around in my flowers yesterday. It is one of the largest (about 5 cm) grasshoppers found in Central Europe.