Cooks Lake, on the north-eastern side of Wyoming.
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Wolfgang and I recently went to the old ghost town of Bodie California. The heavy winter snows and rain provided for an abundance of Blue Flags as well as grasses and other plants. We were about a week late for the best blooms but this one seemed like a pretty good one.
Wolfgang und ich waren kürzlich in der alten Geisterstadt Bodie, Kalifornien. Der starke Winterschnee und der Regen sorgten für eine Fülle von Blauen Flaggen sowie Gräsern und anderen Pflanzen. Wir waren ungefähr eine Woche zu spät dran, um die besten Blüten zu bekommen, aber diese schien ziemlich gut zu sein.
Die Blüten meiner Minze sind zwar winzig klein, aber doch der große Magnet für alle möglichen Insekten. Das friedliche Bild täuscht jedoch. Die Büten sind auch das Jagdrevier z.B der Knotenwespe links, die es auf Bienen abgesehen hat. Die Goldfliege rechts muss sich aber vor ihr nicht fürchten.
The flowers of my mint are tiny, but still the great magnet for all kinds of insects. However, the peaceful picture is deceptive. The blossoms are also the hunting ground of the knot wasp on the left, for example, which has it in for bees. The gold fly on the right, however, does not have to be afraid of it.
I recently went up to my grandparents cabin for the first time this summer. All the snow we’ve receive this last winter here in California has resulted in full creeks and rushing waters as the snow begins to melt in this summer heat. I’ve never seen the creek so full before! I took this image on my phone because I wanted to test out the long exposure setting. I think it turned out pretty interesting despite the lower-resolution; definitely still a fun experiment! Hope you enjoy!