Moss Landing

These two chimneys are iconic along Highway 1 in Moss Landing, You can see them for miles (when the fog lets you). Unfortunately they may be coming down since they’re no longer needed or used. I liked how they just seem to disappear into the fog and let you guess just how tall they are.

Diese beiden Schornsteine ​​sind am Highway 1 in Moss Landing ikonisch. Sie können sie meilenweit sehen (wenn der Nebel es zulässt). Leider können sie herunterkommen, da sie nicht mehr benötigt oder verwendet werden. Mir gefiel, wie sie einfach im Nebel zu verschwinden scheinen und Sie raten lassen, wie groß sie sind.

Camping at Medeiros Campground

Medeiros is a primitive campground on the westside of the San Joaquin Valley in central California.

The camping spots are spacious, but there is no electricity or other services.

There are many different kind of birds present.

The early mornings are especially pretty. Enjoy the outdoors and observe what mother nature has to offer.

Helix pomatia

So der wissenschaftliche Name der Weinbergschnecke. Dieses Exemplar hatte sich auf einen Fußweg durch den Ilkerbruch, einem Naturschutzgebiet in unserer Nähe, verirrt. Sicherheitshalber hatte sich die Schnecke in ihr Schneckenhaus zurückgezogen. Also konnten wir nur ihr Haus fotografieren. Ist ja auch ganz schön.

This is the scientific name of the Roman snail. This specimen had strayed onto a footpath through the Ilkerbruch, a nature reserve near us. To be on the safe side, the snail had retreated into its snail shell. So we could only photograph its house. It is also quite beautiful.

Road Runner

My good friend and photo partner and I decided to try and find some interesting things to photograph. This road runner caught our eye as we were sitting outside eating our lunch. True to his name this little guy was headed up a boulder filled hillside full-speed ahead. Seeing this guy really tickled me since they are scarce in our area, and they move very quickly and are generally too far away to photograph. We were at a local lake that was probably down to one quarter of its total water capacity. It is so sad to see this and it is also obvious that it has impacted the wildlife there since we saw none of what we usually see. Even fishermen were scarce. Pray for snow and rain. Stay healthy my friends and enjoy your weekend.