Hornitos – – once upon a time a Wild West Gold Digger Town

In the 1850, a town with 10,000 and more inhabitants and the birthplace of Ghirardelli Chocolate, the place to be. Today, a couple of houses are left and the foundation walls of Ghirardelli. All the Gold moved on building the riches in San Francisco, leaving potholes and dreams behind. But, the gate to Heaven and Hell is still standing…


Early Spring Flowers

Wild flowers seem to be running a little late this year, probably due to the late winter weather. However I did see a few California Poppies, and pretty good representation of Fiddlenecks.

Wildblumen scheinen dieses Jahr etwas spät zu laufen, wahrscheinlich aufgrund des späten Winterwetters. Ich habe jedoch ein paar kalifornische Mohnblumen und eine ziemlich gute Darstellung von Fiddlenecks gesehen.

Es war einmal…

Auf unseren Touren durch die Altstädte der Umgebung, halte ich immer auch Ausschau nach Schaufenstern und den darin ausgestellten Waren. Dieses hier, vermutlich von einem ehemaligen Trödelladen, hat eindeutig seine beste Zeit hinter sich. Ich finde sie toll. Sie sind wie Zeitkapseln.

On our tours through the old towns of the area, I always keep an eye out for shop windows and the goods displayed in them. This one, probably from a former junk store, is clearly past its prime. I think they’re great. They’re like time capsules.


This is Frank. While other people let out their dog, he takes along his parrot in a back-bag. When he looks for his coat and shoes to go shopping the parrot already waits for him expecting to be taken out. When he lies on the couch she grooms his hair and beard. When he does not get up in the morning the bird comes and gives him a nudge. When Frank’s wife is on the phone she imitates what she can hear. Maybe out of anger because she is jealous and doesn’t like her. The parrot is 16 years old. When Frank bought her he told his grandchildren that he got a parrot for them.