Frost 03

This is a typical image for the Central California Valley during the winter. The roofs are covered with surface frost and people are burning their fireplaces. Luckily there are few and fewer people that do this since it is common knowledge that the particulants from the fireplaces are a health hazard.

Enjoy the image and keep on photographing!



Frost 01

We are having a cold spell in central California meaning there are some ice crystal on the leaves and some surface frost on cars and other objects. The current weather should last a few days giving me the perfect opportunity for some interesting images early in the morning before the sun melts it all away. I challenge you to do the same. Go out and photograph early in the morning and get some winter images.

I used a 180mm macro lens photographing this frozen potato plant blossom early in the morning. Enjoy the image and keep on working on your images!


Decorated House 05

I challenge you to go out and look around in your community and find some great decorated homes.


Normally it is better to photograph beautiful lit homes after sunset and before total darkness. But sometimes the owners have not turned the light on or you arrive late. I photographed this beautiful home very late but I was able to get some of the leaves back by creating thee bracketed images out of one raw file which I than combines to this final image.

Enjoy and keep on working on your images!